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It’s Time to Switch to American Federal Bank

Happy young couple with kids on their backsSwitching to American Federal Bank is easy.

We’ll help you get started banking with American Federal and make the transition fast and secure.

With American Federal ClickSWITCH, move your direct deposits, automated payments and online bill payments from your existing account to an American Federal account.

ClickSWITCH removes the hassle of contacting billers to make changes and helps ensure you don’t miss a payment or a deposit when you move to American Federal.

Watch this ClickSWITCH video to learn more. Contact your local American Federal Banker for information on opening a new account.

ClickSWITCH is a fully-automated, web-based, paperless solution that eliminates the chore of transferring direct deposits and payments to your new account. And, ClickSWITCH will initiate the closure of your old account when the switch process is complete.

You can quickly and securely migrate all of your recurring transactions to your new account at American Federal.

Enrolling is a snap. Log in from home or anywhere it is convenient for you. You enter some basic information, create an e-signature, and you’re ready to move.

Easy to start. Quick to finish.  Eliminate the hassle of change.  Convenient, fast and secure.

Learn More

With ClickSWITCH, you can move your current online bill payments, automated payments and direct deposits from your existing financial institution account to your new account at American Federal. **  Move personal and business accounts and even consolidate existing accounts into one at American Federal.

ClickSWITCH removes the stress of contacting your billers to make changes and helps ensure you don’t miss a payment or a deposit when you change.

You input your payment and direct deposit information into our secure ClickSWITCH system and we will get to work contacting your billers and your payees to switch your payments and deposits to your new account.

ClickSWITCH uses the latest online encryption protection to gather and store your switch information.

You can conveniently monitor the progress and track the status of your switches. You’ll receive an email alert when a switch is complete.

Getting Started

Contact your local American Federal Banker for information on opening a new account.

When you open a new American Federal account, your local American Federal Banker will provide you with a SwitchTRACK code to access the ClickSWITCH portal to create your switches.

Gather your automated payment and direct deposit information to get your switches started. A current online statement or paper bills are good sources of information for a record of automatic payments and direct deposits tied to your account.  You can print the SwitchCHECKLIST to get started and help you gather information.

With ClickSWITCH assistance, you can view all your direct deposits and payments in one place by simply finding the financial institution you are switching away from.

ClickSWITCH instantly transfers account information for a smooth, speedy transition.

The time for each payment and direct deposit to switch varies, depending on the type of payment, biller, payee, and the method needed to switch the payment. A ClickSWITCH “status page” will help you monitor your switch status and confirm when switches are complete.

Some employers and government agencies require direct deposit switches be completed directly with them. In these cases, you can reach out to them directly.

Love the Personal Touch

Your local American Federal Banker can assist you with questions about your SwitchTRACK code, the status of your pending switches, or any other area related to opening a new account or transferring your transactions to American Federal.

ClickSWITCH and your American Federal Banker will help you determine how much and how long to keep money in your old account to cover each payment until each switch status is complete. Learn more ClickSWITCH FAQs.

ClickSWITCH Provides

  • Instant account set up with auto enroll
  • Securely transfer recurring payments such as utilities, mortgage and car payments, gym membership and credit card payments
  • Transfer direct deposits from your employer, social security, disability, dividends from investment accounts, or other source of income
  • Balance assistance for recommended dollar amounts to leave in former account until switches are complete
  • Easily add additional switches at any time
  • Payment tracking to new accounts
  • Receive real time switch confirmation
  • Account closure processing when the switch is complete
  • Notify auto-debit payees of your new account information
  • Close your prior account

What is Direct Deposit

A direct deposit is any payment that you receive from a person or organization directly into your account. These include payroll direct deposits, government and pension direct deposits (Social Security, Disability, etc.) and dividend direct deposits from investment accounts.

What is Automated Payment

An automated payment is a regular, ongoing electronic funds transfer, such as a monthly insurance premium, utility payment or car loan payment.


** For ACH deposits and debits only, not debit and credit card transactions

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