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Fergus Falls Sales Team Earns Top Team Builder Award

The Fergus Falls Sales Office of American Federal Bank has earned the bank’s highest team recognition honor — the “Annual Team Builder Award” — to cap off a banner year for 2019.

Sales and Marketing Officer Kent Anderson announced the recipient of the annual award at the bank’s ”All Employee Celebration” held at the Avalon in Fargo.

The American Federal Sales Office with the top overall score at the end of the calendar year is named the “Annual Team Builder” and awarded the “Team Builder Traveling Trophy” to display in the bank lobby for a year.

“It is gratifying to be recognized with the top ‘Team Builder Award’ for 2019 for the excellent work our Fergus Falls Sales Team accomplished,” said Mark Eifert, Market President, American Federal Bank, Fergus Falls. “Our Bankers and Associates earned this award for what we have always done and continue to do — take exceptional care of our customers and help them reach their financial goals. We could not be successful without our loyal customers.”

The large traveling gold cup is engraved with the name of the winning Sales Office each year. This is the first time, since the program’s inception in 2008, the Fergus Falls Sales Team has earned the coveted award.

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